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Why would this tea be unique?

Only natural ingredients are used. Our Company Go-Clean-Life boasts in all-natural products for daily use.

The beauty of the GO-SO-CLEAN Tea ingredients lies in the natural plant origin, and is therefore gentle on your system and safe to use daily. For more information on the ingredients please go to the INGREDIENTS page.

The experience and expertise of the Manufacturer situated in Israel, together with the knowledge of a vast amount of research put together a product that aimed to produce a tea that safely and effectively contributing to Tea drinkers. After years of research, the Manufacturer developed this unique, all-natural infused Tea. This unique tea is now available in South-Africa.

One in a million product

GO-SO-CLEAN Lemon-Mint flavour Tea, with cleansing qualities, consists of the following ingredients, Persian lemon, Spearmint, Caraway, Anise, Fennel, Nettle, Hindi date, Lemongrass and Lemon peel. This Tea is traditionally combined in Israel. GO-SO-CLEAN Tea is to be taken 10 minutes after a meal, up to 3 times a day. Place one teabag in a cup, pour boiling hot water onto the teabag, steep for 3 to 15 minutes.

GO-SO-CLEAN Tea is Non-habit forming, and has a great taste.

Now you can enjoy a tasty cup of tea while adding to your system the ingredients of GO-SO-CLEAN infused Tea.

Steep the tea for 3 -15 minutes, to be taken 10 minutes after a meal. We would suggest that you sit back, relax and savour our lovely tea sip by sip.

Can be enjoyed up to 3 times a day according to your personal needs.

How to make the perfect cup of tea

Bring freshly drawn cold water to a boil

Put one tea bag 2.5 gram in a cup and pour hot water

Steep for the proper length of time 3 – 5 minutes

Sweeten by taste and serve

What is Tea?

Tea is an aromatic beverage commonly prepared by pouring hot or boiling water over cured leaves of the Camellia sinensis, an evergreen shrub native to Asia. After water, it is the most widely consumed drink in the world. There are many different types of tea.

Get in Touch

Hayim Tahor t/a Go-Clean-Life
PO Box 12109, Garden Route Mall
George 6546, South Africa
Email: office@go-clean-life.com
Manufactured in Israel, Kosher

Get in Touch


Hayim Tahor t/a Go-Clean-Life
PO Box 12109, Garden Route Mall 
George 6546, South Africa

Email: office@go-clean-life.com

Manufactured in Israel, Kosher

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