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About Go-Clean-Life

Hayim Tahor t/a Go-Clean-Life made it their mission to find a perfectly natural product. On everybody’s lips is the word nowadays “clean eating”, well we bring to you a “clean tea” meaning all natural. A Tea with cleansing qualities, this is all you need to make a moment.

GO-SO-CLEAN Lemon-Mint Flavor Tea

  • “GO-SO-CLEAN” Lemon-Mint flavoured Tea
  • A Tea with cleansing qualities
  • A comforting infusion tea
  • Delicious fruit brew, based on an ancient formula
  • All-natural ingredients of plant origin – Persian lemon, Spearmint, Caraway, Anise, Fennel, Nettle, Hindi date, Lemon grass, Lemon peel
  • A preservative free tea, as is the case with all teas
  • No added colouring
  • A naturally caffeine free fruit tea, as is the case with all fruit teas
  • A Kosher product
  • Store in a cool, dark & dry place.  Once opened store in an airtight container

GO-SO-CLEAN Berry Flavor Tea

  • “GO-SO-CLEAN” Berry flavoured Tea
  • A Tea with cleansing qualities
  • A comforting infusion tea
  • Delicious fruit brew, based on an ancient formula
  • All-natural ingredients of plant origin – Caraway, Fennel, Urtica, Rosa Canina Fructus, Plum Powder, Hibiscus, Rheum
  • A preservative free tea, as is the case with all teas
  • No added colouring
  • A naturally caffeine free fruit tea, as is the case with all fruit teas
  • A Kosher product
  • Store in a cool, dark & dry place.  Once opened store in an airtight container

Follow our shared cups of tea @gosoclean


Please send us your testimonials to office@go-clean-life.com so we can share it with our fellow tea lovers.

Get in Touch

Hayim Tahor t/a Go-Clean-Life
PO Box 12109, Garden Route Mall
George 6546, South Africa
Email: office@go-clean-life.com
Manufactured in Israel, Kosher

Get in Touch


Hayim Tahor t/a Go-Clean-Life
PO Box 12109, Garden Route Mall 
George 6546, South Africa

Email: office@go-clean-life.com

Manufactured in Israel, Kosher

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